Saturday, June 27, 2009

Locks of Love

Today - Saturday, June 27th was a BIG day at our house.
Makayla (who is 9 yrs. old) decided to get her hair cut.
This was not just any hair cut.......she cut her hair so it could be donated to 'Locks of Love'.
I am so proud of her!
I've taken some before and after pictures.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

pool fixed

My (Heidi) neighbors pool has been repaired and the kids are swimming again!
They are sooooooooooo happy!!! The pool temp last night was 82*. It was even warm enough for me to get in. :-)

Monday, June 22, 2009

Dance recital 2009

Wow....ok so it's been forever since I've written on the Moose Family Blog.
I'll try and be better - I promise!!

Makayla had dance recital on June 20th.
She did an amazing job and I couldn't be more proud of her!! :-)

This year she took a ballet only class. She enjoyed it but..... she would really like to take Ballet - Tap and Jazz next year.

Full dress rehearsal was on Thursday, June 18th. Some picture are from dress rehearsal and some the day of the recital.

Anyway...enjoy the pictures!