Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

It's been another fun filled weekend.
Saturday (after Tracy's garage sale), Bob, Rachel & Brandon came over for dinner and an overnight in tents! Dinner was good, we had hotdogs, hamburgers, Italian sausage, deviled eggs, salt potatoes and potato salad. My girlfriend Bryony and one of her daughters, Korrie, had dinner with us also. After dinner, we had a bon-fire and roasted marshmellows. Everyone had a good time! Bryony and Korrie left soon after the fire started. After a few hours, we decided it was time to hit the ground... oooops, I mean hay. The girls (Rachel and Makayla) were in one tent, Bob & I in another tent, and Tanner & Brandon in a little pup tent. Around 11:30pm, the girls yelled "We're sooooooooooooo cold". They packed up their stuff and head inside and slept on the livingroom floor. Around 1am, I was frozen like a popsicle. Being the kinds honey that I am..... I woke up Bob and we went inside. (4 down 2 to go) Then......around 3am, Tanner came inside to go to the bathroom and was shivering like crazy. We told him to stay inside and snuggle on the livingroom floor with some warm blankets. As I was getting Tanner all set, Bob went outside to bring in Brandon. The tent idea was a good one.......if it had been alittle bit warmer. Low 40's isn't good tent weather! But....we tried! Sunday morning, Bob got up and cooked all of us breakfast. Yummmmmy! It was a good time even if we got 'alittle' cold. We'll try the tent thing again in July! LOL


Dawn said...

Looks like you guys had a fun time. Was that Bryony Dickinson?

Heidi & Bob said...

YES!!! Her here daughter Korrie. How funny is that?

Dawn said...

That is awesome that you guys have stayed in touch. I saw your picture on Pam's Wolfanger sight. I asked her if she had Holly's contact info also. I just recently heard about her son. I feel a wrestling cheerleading reunion coming on...

PLS Library Assistants said...

YES....I do have Holly's info. I'll be sure and past it along to you!