Monday, July 28, 2008

Fat Tire Festival

Saturday July 19th, was the 3rd annual Fat Tire Festival.
It was another busy year for Bob!
Bob was in charge of planning, designing and marking the two race courses again this year.
He made the Competitive course alittle more difficult and the Recreational course about the same. Bob spent many hours working on this - including ALL day Friday the 18th.
It's amazing the amount of time and effort is needed for this type of event.

Last year & this year, I have volunteered to help at Registration and wherever else I'm needed.
I must say that registration went MUCH smoother this year than last.

This year was alittle different in the fact that I decided to be brave and enter the recreation race.
I've been riding my bike more and more so I thought this might be fun. Tanner was alittle concerned that I might beat him.....HMMMMM - NO!
This was Tanner's 3rd year racing. He was 6th out of 14 in his age group (19 and under). Not too bad for a 10 year old. His time 19 min. 20 second.
I didn't do as well - BUT.....Atleast I finished!
My time was 24 minutes even.
I had one little mishap - I crashed into a tree trying to avoid a young boy who was riding ahead of me. Long story but....I'm ok!

Bob didn't race this year - he thought it would be best to just stay around and help where he was needed. I saw him near the end of the course. I was very happy to see him! He said 'You look good - how are you doing'. My answer - 'I crashed'.
Soon after I finished - Bob came looking for me to make sure I was ok. He's just a good egg. :-)

Later that evening - Bob & I rode our bike down to the bike shop for an after hours volunteer party. We ate lots of fun and had a few cocktails as well.

If I continue to ride......maybe I'll race again next year!

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